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The new Ste. Genevieve (Missouri) Museum Learning Center project is taking shape and making progress.

The ‘Friends of Ste. Genevieve Museum’ group purchased several buildings on the square in Ste. Genevieve earlier this year, to be remodeled as the museum’s new home. Here is the direct link to their  website to learn more about their mission and how you can help

As we began working with the Committee, we all realized that the private alley acquired with the buildings could become a unique, outdoor activity area and welcoming space for visitors. This was a bit of a departure from the original plans, but the new opportunities offered by this approach are being integrated into the building plans.

The proposed entry courtyard will provide a common entry path for visitors entering from the south (at Gabouri Street), or from the north (the downtown square). This area will also create an ADA accessible passage from the south parking area to the public sidewalk at the north.

The existing two-story, all masonry buildings will be returned as closely as possible to their original design. Porcelain fascia panels were added across the bottom level in the 1950’s. These will be removed and the original window configurations will be restored, but with modern frame materials and insulating glass.

The City’s Heritage Commission is tasked with reviewing proposed changes to buildings in the Historic area, and the images here were created to help explain the proposed Entry Courtyard.