
Bacon Commercial Design partners with Private, Commercial and Governmental Clients to develop Architectural Design Solutions for Custom Building Projects.

IMAGINE * PLAN * BUILD    (Read more. . .)

Every Construction Project is just an idea in the beginning.  Ideas about how to grow, better manage inventory, enter new markets, change an organization’s image, or increase productivity are all good places to start.

With our Clients, we grow these ideas into building plans that meet their business needs, respect their budget, treat limitations as opportunities, and express their vision.

“We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.”   -William Arthur Ward


The right time to call the Architect is when it seems much too early in the project to call the Architect.

Looking for a site for a new location for your business or agency? If you might be acquiring vacant property, land with an existing building (whether to re-use or remove), or lease of an existing building, request our guide for evaluating a new site. Over the years, we have seen many issues affect the design and construction of buildings. Zoning, Building Design and other restrictions on a parcel may affect whether or how you could use a particular site. Knowledge is power. Know as much as you can before finalizing the deal.

REQUEST OUR SITE REVIEW GUIDELINE Report. Send us an e-mail (info@bcd-llc.com) with ‘Site Review Guideline’ as the subject, and provide a shipping or mailing address in the body of the e-mail. Feel free to include any other questions you may have about an Architect’s services, or what to check before acquiring a new property or building.

Just thinking about a potential project can be overwhelming, especially if your organization has never been through it before. The best way to start is by talking to someone who has. Give us a call or drop us an e-mail.

Telephone: (636) 933-0007  –For E-mail, scroll to bottom of page for hyperlink, or send to: “Info@BCD-LLC.com”